{"id":94,"date":"2022-07-04T04:20:08","date_gmt":"2022-07-04T04:20:08","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/?p=94"},"modified":"2022-07-18T12:02:30","modified_gmt":"2022-07-18T12:02:30","slug":"what-is-hemp-wick-how-its-used","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/2022\/07\/04\/what-is-hemp-wick-how-its-used\/","title":{"rendered":"What Is Hemp Wick? How It’s Used & How To Make It Yourself"},"content":{"rendered":"

What Is Hemp Wick?<\/h2>\n

Hemp wick is a simple combination of hemp and wax (usually beeswax<\/a>).<\/p>\n

The end result is a waxy hemp string that can come in different thicknesses depending on what the desired flame is.<\/p>\n

Hemp burns hotter, cleaner, and better than traditional cotton wicks, and beeswax helps the wick burn slower and for longer. It also puts out a pleasant honey smell that pairs well with hemp smoke.<\/p>\n

See Also:\u00a0Humboldt Hemp Wicks Reviewed, Tested & Compared<\/a><\/b><\/p>\n\n

What Are Hemp Wicks Used For?<\/h2>\n

There are two main uses for hemp wicks: candles and lighters.<\/p>\n


For candles, hemp wicks are stiffer which makes it easier to make homemade candles. The hemp also burns brighter and cleaner than cotton wicks which is a nice bonus.<\/p>\n

The only slight downside to using hemp wicks over cotton is the hemp might take slightly longer to light.<\/p>\n

Lighter Alternative<\/strong><\/p>\n

The main thing hemp wicks are used for is as a natural alternative to a butane lighter.<\/p>\n

Butane lighters are used to light products that require a strong constant flame.<\/p>\n

Things like fine cigars, hand rolled cigarettes, herbs, and bowls are all things that people would normally use a butane lighter to light.<\/p>\n

Some say that butane lighters can add harmful toxins and metals to whatever you’re smoking but the flame temperature and flavor are probably the biggest reasons people prefer hemp wicks to lighters.<\/p>\n

Many people don’t realize it but butane lighters can add a different taste, especially when using bowls.<\/p>\n

Butane burns super hot, around 2,000F. These high temperatures can burn what you’re smoking and add a harshness to the flavor and smoke.<\/p>\n

Hemp wick flame is around 1,500F in temperature. It’s a calmer burn that is easier to control and it doesn’t add any harsh flavors to what’s being smoked.<\/p>\n

If you’re someone who enjoys a fine cigar or a good herb mix making sure you don’t risk ruining the things that make them so good can make trying out hemp wicks worth it.<\/p>\n

Hemp wicks are also safer than butane lighters. There’s no hazardous liquid being carried around, there’s no risk for leaks, and you don’t have to worry about leaving them in a hot car.<\/p>\n

You’re basically just carrying around a bunch of wax coated string.<\/p>\n

The only thing you need to have with you is a way to light the hemp wax. Just a pack of paper matches or a regular lighter will work great.<\/p>\n

Related: Are Hemp And Marijuana The Same Plant?<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Hemp twine is perfect for making hemp wax.<\/figcaption><\/figure>\n

How To Make Hemp Wax<\/h2>\n

It’s actually pretty easy to make hemp wax yourself if you really like using it. You can even infuse other flavors with the wax using essential oils to add a little twist to your next smoke.<\/p>\n

All you need is some hemp string<\/a> or twine, beeswax<\/a>, and some basic kitchen accessories.<\/p>\n

The thickness of the hemp string is going to be a personal preference. Thicker hemp twine will burn with a bigger flame for things like cigars and bowls.<\/p>\n

Thinner string will have a smaller flame that’s good for lighting joints and hand rolled cigarettes.<\/p>\n

Beeswax can be found online or if you prefer to buy locally beekeepers that sell honey will normally also have some beeswax for sale.<\/p>\n

Melt The Beeswax<\/h3>\n

The first thing you need to do is find an oven safe bowl or pan that you can melt the beeswax in.<\/p>\n

Beeswax is extremely hard to remove from whatever it’s melted in so make sure it’s something you won’t want to use later for something else.<\/p>\n

Candle wax melting pots<\/a> or even a small crockpot<\/a> works really well.<\/p>\n

Cut up the beeswax you want to use in small chunks and place them in the melting pot or crockpot.<\/p>\n

If using a crockpot put the temperature on low and wait for the beeswax to fully melt.<\/p>\n

If using a pot or pan you will need to get another larger pan the melting pan will fit inside of.<\/p>\n

Heat the melting pan by boiling water in the other pan and put the melting pan with the beeswax into the boiling water. Only the bottom of the pan needs to be in the water.<\/p>\n

Using this method you eliminate any risk of getting the beeswax too hot or burning it.<\/p>\n

Dip The Hemp Twin Or String<\/h3>\n

Once the beeswax is fully melted it’s time to soak your hemp twine.<\/p>\n

You can either soak the entire ball of hemp or cut it into shorter pieces first.<\/p>\n

The easiest thing to do is soak the entire roll but if you don’t have enough space for it you can cut shorter lengths and roll them into smaller balls.<\/p>\n

Place your hemp twine into the melted beeswax.<\/p>\n

Make sure the hemp is 100% covered to allow the wax to evenly coat the string.<\/p>\n

Soak the hemp in the wax for around 10 minutes.<\/p>\n

See Also:\u00a0Is Hemp Considered A Drug?<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Let It Cool<\/h3>\n

Get out a sheet of parchment paper and place it on a heat resistant surface. A cutting board works really well.<\/p>\n

Once the hemp twine has been fully soaked you can remove it from the bowl of melted beeswax.<\/p>\n

Be very careful, both the twine and the wax are very hot.<\/p>\n

Use tongs or something long and heatproof to remove the twine from the wax.<\/p>\n

Hold the twine over the bowl of melted wax until all of the excess wax has dripped off of the twin.<\/p>\n

You can now place the hemp twine onto the parchment paper.<\/p>\n

If you are soaking balls of hemp you will need to flip it every minute a couple of times to stop the melted wax from collecting at the bottom.<\/p>\n

Once there is no more liquid wax on the hemp you can leave it alone and let it cool for a few hours or even days.<\/p>\n

Cut & Enjoy Your Homemade Hemp Wick<\/h3>\n

The ball of beeswax coated hemp string is now hemp wick.<\/p>\n

You can undo the entire ball and cut the wick into smaller more portable sizes or just leave it in one big piece and cut off a piece whenever you want to use it.<\/p>\n

The leftover beeswax in the melting pot or crockpot can be set aside and used for making more hemp wicks later.<\/p>\n

If you’re feeling really crafty you can use some of the newly made hemp wick and leftover wax to make some beeswax candles.<\/p>\n

See Also:\u00a0Safe CBD Use: Is CBD Addictive?<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Hemp Wick Accessories<\/h2>\n

Once you’ve got your hands on some awesome hemp wick there are a few things that will make using it a little easier<\/p>\n

Hemp Wick Dispenser<\/h3>\n

A hemp wick dispenser is a little device that will both store your wick, make it easier to light, and put it out for you.<\/p>\n

This one made by a company called FlicWic (click to go to FlicWic’s website)<\/a> is really nice and easy to use.<\/p>\n

It comes with a roll of 100% organic hemp wick but you can also use your own to refill it.<\/p>\n

Hemp Wick Lighter Sleeve<\/h3>\n

Since you still need a way to light the hemp wick a popular way to store hemp wick is to get a lighter sleeve\u00a0like this (click to view on Amazon)<\/a>.<\/p>\n

The sleeve has a spot on the bottom you can wrap hemp wick around. You then thread the wick up through the case so it’s sticking out at the top.<\/p>\n

The sleeve is made to fit any standard sized Bic lighter.<\/p>\n

You now have a convenient way to store and light your hemp wick.<\/p>\n

Common Hemp Wick Questions<\/h2>\n

Is Hemp Wick Healthy?<\/h3>\n

There’s a lot of debate over whether or not hemp wick is actually healthier than butane lighters.<\/p>\n

Since butane is a fairly clean burning fuel I think the risk of it adding toxins to what you’re smoking is pretty low but you will be breathing in some of the fumes when lighting your bowls or cigars.<\/p>\n

Regardless of whether hemp wick is healthier or not some of the other benefits you get from using it instead of a butane lighter make it worth it.<\/p>\n

The lower burn temperature reduces the harshness of the smoke and it’s easier to control the flame.<\/p>\n

It’s also easier to pack around than a butane lighter.<\/p>\n

See Also:\u00a0Your Guide To Products Made From Hemp Paper<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Is Hemp Wick Necessary?<\/h3>\n

No, but it certainly creates a better smoking experience.<\/p>\n

Can You Get High Off Of Hemp Wick?<\/h3>\n

No, you cannot get high off of hemp wick.<\/p>\n

Hemp is specifically grown to have very low levels of THC which is the compound in cannabis that gets you high.<\/p>\n

Hemp wick is no different than other hemp products in that regard so smoking it isn’t going to be any more useful than smoking hemp string or twine.<\/p>\n

Why Do People Smoke With Hemp Wick?<\/h3>\n

Flavor and smoother smoke is the biggest reason smokers light their various smokables with hemp wicks.<\/p>\n

Hemp wicks burn at a lower temperature than most lighters which stops harsh smokes and flavors.<\/p>\n

Some also believe that it’s healthier which isn’t exactly proven but it is a more natural way to get a long burning flame.<\/p>\n

Have any more questions about hemp wick? Leave a comment below.\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

Hemp wick is becoming popular with not only candle makers but cigar & cannabis smokers. Here’s what you need to know about this natural lighter alternative. <\/p>\n

Read more<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":103,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[14],"tags":[26,16,18,19,17,24,23,22,25,21,20],"class_list":["post-94","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-learning","tag-beeswax","tag-hemp-wick","tag-hemp-wick-candles","tag-hemp-wick-dispenser","tag-hemp-wick-lighter","tag-homemade","tag-how-to-make","tag-how-to-use","tag-organic-hemp-wick","tag-raw-hemp-wick","tag-what-is-hemp-wick","no-featured-image-padding"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/94"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=94"}],"version-history":[{"count":18,"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/94\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":196,"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/94\/revisions\/196"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/103"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=94"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=94"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/findinghemp.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=94"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}