Is Hemp Considered A Drug?

What is Hemp?

Hemp is a product made from the plant Cannabis Sativa.

It’s the same plant that marijuana comes from, but the hemp variety has very low traces of the chemical that gives you a high, and it’s grown mostly for industrial purposes.

It can be used to make a wide range of products, including rope, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, oils, animal feed, paper, bioplastics, insulation, biofuel, and more.

While hemp is often confused with marijuana, it is actually quite different.

Marijuana contains high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound that produces the “high” associated with cannabis use.

Hemp, on the other hand, has basically no THC (<0.3%). It’s impossible to get high from smoking it.

Related: Are Hemp And Marijuana The Same Plant?

CBD oil made from hemp that is considered a drug
CBD oil is often derived from hemp plants and is considered to be a drug.

Is Hemp Considered A Drug?

Technically hemp itself is not considered a drug.

But Hemp plants contain high levels of CBD which is a Schedule I substance in the United States.

That means it is still illegal to grow or possess hemp plants for those without a permit in most of the country.

It’s important to keep in mind that the word “drug” is a broad term that can refer to anything from prescription medication to illegal substances.

In this case, hemp is classified as a drug because it contains THC and CBD. However, it’s worth noting that hemp is not considered an illegal substance in most countries.

CBD has been shown to have various health benefits and no addictive properties.

See Also: Your Guide To Products Made From Hemp Paper

The Difference Between Hemp & Marijuana

Hemp and marijuana are two popular terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two different things.

Hemp is a type of cannabis plant that contains little to no THC, the psychoactive compound that gets you high.

Marijuana, on the other hand, is a type of cannabis plant that contains high levels of THC.

While hemp and marijuana come from the same plant species, they are very different plants.

Hemp is typically grown for industrial purposes, such as making paper and clothing, while marijuana is grown for its psychoactive effects.

Because of its low THC content, hemp is not considered to be a harmful or addictive drug like marijuana.

The Many Benefits of Hemp

Hemp is a versatile and sustainable crop that has a range of uses, from food and fiber to CBD oils to building materials.

Its use for making CBD extract is gaining popularity since it can be used as a natural remedy for a variety of issues.

The earliest recorded use of hemp dates back to 2700 BC in China, where it was used for everything from paper and textiles to rope and sails.

It was used a lot to make canvases for painters and artists. In fact, the word “canvas” is derived from the Dutch word for hemp, “canvas”.

Hemp was also popular in the United States during the Colonial era. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp on their plantations.

The Declaration of Independence was actually drafted on hemp paper!

Despite its long history and many uses, hemp fell out of favor in the 20th century due to its association with marijuana.

Today, recent studies have shown that hemp does not contain any psychoactive properties. This means that you can’t get high from smoking or eating hemp.

Hemp is now making a comeback as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to other crops.

It requires little water and no pesticides, making it much easier on the environment than traditional crops like cotton.

The plant, Cannabis Sativa, that’s used to make hemp also takes a ton of carbon out of the air.

It’s considered to be a carbon negative crop which means it takes more carbon out of the air than the farmers put into the air to grow it.

See Also: The Truth About Hemp Protein Powder For Fitness & Diet

5 Reasons Why Hemp Actually Isn’t a Drug

Hemp is often lumped in with other drugs, but it doesn’t really deserve that reputation.

Here are some of the reasons why hemp shouldn’t be considered a drug:

1. Hemp isn’t psychoactive.

2. Hemp has a long history of being used for industrial and commercial purposes.

3. Hemp is non-addictive.

4. Hemp is not known to interact negatively with other drugs or medications.

5. There is no evidence that hemp has any negative health effects.


So, is hemp considered a drug? The answer is yes and no.

CBD, which is commonly produced from hemp plants, is classified as a Schedule I drug.

However, other hemp products are not considered drugs and are legal to buy and use in the United States.

Have any more questions about hemp? Leave a comment below.

2 thoughts on “Is Hemp Considered A Drug?”

    • Hi Frederique,

      CBD is considered to be more of a supplement than a drug, much like essential oils. It doesn’t have any psychoactive properties like it’s counter part, THC.


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