Humboldt Hemp Wicks Reviewed, Tested & Compared 2022

Is Humboldt Hemp Wick Good?

If you’ve started looking into getting some hemp wick for your smoking or candle needs you’ve likely come across Humboldt hemp wicks.

They are the number one producers and sellers of organic hemp wick and for a good reason.

If you don’t know what a hemp wick is or you want to read more about it check out this article here.

Started in Humboldt County, California the creators of Humboldt Hemp Wicks got the idea to start using organic hemp twine in candles to make a more organic flame.

The idea soon turned into a great alternative to butane lighters and today it’s the new trend for not only cannabis lovers but herb and tobacco smokers as well.

So is Humboldt Hemp Wick good?

In this review, I’m going to test all three sizes of hemp wick Humboldt Hemp Wick sells to answer that question.

But if you don’t feel like reading further, my opinion is yes, Humboldt Hemp Wicks are good.

the different kinds of Humboldt Hemp Wicks next to eachother on some grass

What Is Humboldt Hemp Wick Made Of?

The Humboldt Hemp Wick company is proud that its hemp wicks are American made in Humboldt County, California.

Both the hemp fibers and beeswax are 100% organic and sourced as locally as possible.

And that’s all it really is, just hemp twine and beeswax.

It’s a simple combination used to make an awesome product for avid smokers who want to go all-natural and even candle makers who want a stronger and better burning wick.

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closeup of Humboldt Hemp Wicks compared to eachother

The Different Types Of Humboldt Hemp Wicks

There are three size options to choose from: fine, full, and heavy. I got all three and put them to the test, comparing them with each other, and seeing how well they hold up against the wind.

Fine Humboldt Hemp Wick

Made with 0.5 mm hemp twine, the fine hemp wick is the thinnest option.

It has the weakest flame, the fastest burn rate, and is for indoor use only.

This size is more for cornering bowls or for lighting cigars and herbs with the coolest flame possible to help preserve flavor and reduce sharp smoke.

If you feel like you’re always getting a sharp and burnt flavor the fine hemp wick is something to try.

Full Humboldt Hemp Wick

The full hemp wick is the do it all option. It’s made with 1 mm hemp twine and is for both indoor and outdoor use.

The slower burn rate makes it a little easier to manage than the fine version but it burns a little hotter.

This is a little off topic but this is also a good size for hemp bracelets.

Heavy Humboldt Hemp Wick

The heavy hemp wick is naturally the biggest. Made with 2 mm hemp twine it’s the hottest but slowest burning wick in the line up.

This is for the outdoor enthusiast.

It has the highest wind resistance and can be used for lighting fires.

It’s the recommended size for homemade candles as well.

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Humboldt Hemp Wick Flame & Burn Rate Comparison

It’s not very easy to capture different flame sizes in a photo but I did my best in the picture below.

flame comparison of the different sizes of humboldt hemp wicks
While the flame size isn’t that different the heat and intensity varies a lot.

My impression is that it’s not really the flame size that’s different when burning the different kinds of Humboldt Hemp Wicks.

Yes, the fine version is slightly smaller than the heavy one but the strength of each flame is where the big difference is.

The fine hemp wick is really easy to control when moving it around and I can see why it’s advised to be used for cornering bowls.

The full flame hemp wick was a good in between and the heavy wick’s flame was really strong.

The heavy size could also be made stronger by tilting the wick downward, you can’t do that with the fine hemp wick.

The burn rate was exactly what you would expect. In the photo below I lit the heavy first, then the full, and the fine last.

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different lengths of humboldt hemp wicks left after being burned the same amount of time
Humboldt Hemp Wicks after burning the same length the same amount of time.

Even when being lit last the fine wick burned down way faster while I was taking photos.

When I was using it to light things I had to be fast for else I was going to get burned fingers.

For that reason, I recommend the Humboldt fine hemp wick for skilled smokers and the full version for beginners.

The heavy version is absolutely the best for the outdoors though.

It was the most difficult to blow out and it would be good for lighting campfires, stoves, lanterns, and more.

See Also: Your Guide To Products Made From Hemp Paper

heavy, full, and fine humboldt hemp wicks in a row
You can get samples of the different sizes of Humboldt Hemp Wicks on their website.

My Review Of The Humboldt Hemp Wicks

My impression of the Humboldt Hemp Wicks is really good.

I read many of the reviews on different websites before ordering some samples to see for myself and so far I haven’t seen the negatives.

The wicks are slightly waxy to the touch which is to be expected since they are covered in beeswax but they aren’t sticky and don’t think they would even pick up dirt.

The amount of beeswax could vary though since these are handmade products and mistakes are sometimes made.

The hemp wicks don’t smell bad at all after being put out. It’s not that different from match smoke but there is a sort of sweetness to it.

Lucky for me it was pretty windy outside when I was testing these out so I got to see how well they held up against a stiff breeze.

The fine hemp wick wouldn’t even light, the full flame stayed for a few seconds but was blown out and the heavy wick lasted the longest.

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The wind was pretty strong though and it eventually got blown out. I was able to keep it going by protecting it with my hand.

The wind was also strong enough to put out my Bic lighter so I wouldn’t say the heavy Humboldt hemp wick is that much weaker than a regular lighter.

If you’re looking into hemp wicks and want an all-natural brand that uses 100% organic materials that are made in the USA then I highly recommend Humboldt Hemp Wicks.

From my experience, they are exactly what they are advertised to be and the quality is really good.

I’m an outdoor enthusiast so my personal favorite size was the heavy hemp wick but I can see the benefits of the fine version as well.

In the end, the type that’s best for you really depends on what you want to use it for.

To get Humboldt Hemp Wicks online check out their website here.

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